+31(0)78 692 00 55 info@novetec.nl
Exhaustsilencer – Type NCS40

An exhaust silencer type NCS is a reactive/absorptive silencer with a high attenation, approx. 40 dB, in combination with restricted dimensions.


Exhaustsilencer Type NCS45

An exhaust silencer type NCS45 is a reactive/absorptive silencer with a high attenation, approx. 45 dB, in combination with restricted dimensions.

Exhaustsilencer Type NRS

An exhaust silencer type NRS is a reactive silencer with a high attenation, especially in the lower frequencies.

Exhaustsilencer Type NAS

Exhaust silencer type NAS is an absorptive silencer with a high attenation, especially in the higher frequencies.

Above mentioned silencers are our standard line of silencers. Besides that we are specialized in tailor made solutions, taking in account requested noisedemand in combination with available space. Please contact our salesdepartment for further information.

Specification request

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