+31(0)78 692 00 55 info@novetec.nl
Weather louvre manufactured out of galvanized steel sheet

Louvre type NVR/SV can be applied for ventilation air- intake and discharge.

Weather louvre manufactured out of SS304 /316

Louvre type NVR/SS can be applied for ventilation air- intake and discharge.




Weather louvre manufactured out of aluminium

Louvre type  NVR/ALU can be applied for ventilation air- intake and discharge.




Mist eliminator

Mist eliminators remove corrosive mists from airinlet streams when large entrained droplets are present.

When replacing standard weather louvers on airintake by Novetec mist eliminators type NME, smaller dimensions can be applied.

Air velocity can increase from 2,5 m/s to 5 m/s depending on available pressurereserve,





Acoustic louvre
Type NGR

Acoustic Louvre typeNGR can be applied for ventilation air- and intake discharge.



Specification request

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